
Museum Victoria
Museum Victoria
Routine Maintenance
When JNJ Electrics won Museum Victoria’s (MV) Electrical Maintenance contract for Melbourne Museum in 2016, we also accepted the maintenance of the Royal Exhibition Buildings, Scienceworks & the Immigration Museum. JNJ immediately set up a transition process and performed an Electrical Audit on the each site to determine the condition and level of compliance of the extensive portfolio of assets.
JNJ worked closely with MV to set initial Priorities for testing and servicing the Air Circuit Breakers, Fuse Switches and Transfer Switches, including thermal scanning of each high current connection point. To minimise impact with the public, significant effort was put into scheduling works around the open hours across each of the facilities. Maintaining MV’s ESM compliance has also been a targeted priority and JNJ’s attention to detail and sophisticated documentation system ensured that MV always has access to current asset maintenance data.
Through working closely with the various Facilities and Project staff and from the extensive site knowledge gained by JNJ during the maintenance contract, MV now look to JNJ Electrics to provide recommendations and strategies to improve the lifespan, reliability and efficiency of their Electrical Installations.

Chadstone Shopping Centre
Chadstone Shopping Centre
Routine Maintenance
JNJ Electrics recently audited, analysed and carried out certified preventative maintenance for Vicinity Centres across the electrical low voltage distribution assets throughout the Chadstone Shopping Centre. Thermal scanning and ultrasonic testing was carried out to switchboards and other distribution assets, resulting in a 750 page audit and test summary report.
The report contained critical asset information, operational ratings and photographs of each asset, thermal images, future maintenance recommendations and a summary of identified issues, including priority ratings and references to the applicable Australian Standards for each identified defect.
The Building’s Operations Manager was notably impressed with JNJ’s quality of work, adherence to the Centre’s procedures and the high level of communication that was provided to schedule the works and co-ordinate access to each location.

Dynon Freight Terminal
Dynon Freight Terminal
Capital Works
The level of yard lighting at this vital freight terminal was found to be well below the required standard, reducing both site safety and productivity around the yard. Providing a design solution to improve the lighting produced from these 35 metre high towers presented a number of challenges, particularly considering the large footprint and constantly busy nature of the site.
Coolon partnered with JNJ Electrics to provide a high efficiency maintenance free design solution using 36x 480w Industrial rated LED Flood Lights to replace the existing 48x 1000w HPS fittings. JNJ worked closely with Victrack to co-ordinate a suitable installation window and a strict timeline and works program was created to ensure the works rolled out according to plan. The JNJ team brought in a massive 55m boom lift to replace the fittings and a closely co-ordinated effort with the Coolon team ensured that the results accurately reflected the design. Once the commissioning phase had been completed, and measurements were taken across the site, it was confirmed that there was an average increase in light levels of over 400% and a reduction in annual operational costs of 82%. Both Victrack and the site tenant were amazed by the difference this lighting solution had provided to the site and greatly appreciated the results that both Coolon & JNJ Electrics was able to produce with minimal disruption to regular site activities.

IMAX Melbourne
IMAX Melbourne
Reactive & Emergency
JNJ received an emergency call to IMAX Cinema at the Melbourne Museum. The Fire Brigade were on site and the building had been evacuated due to an electrical fire. The Children’s Area Café was also without power. The Museum needed all services restored quickly as it was a significant cost to have IMAX, its snack bars and the Childrens Area Café closed for an extended period of time.
After ensuring the site was made safe, the fire damaged switchboard was assessed for replacement by JNJ’s Electrician. A new switchboard was delivered overnight, and replaced at 6am the next morning. The switchboard and damaged cables were replaced and all affected services were restored in under 24 hours from when we were first notified of the fire.
An investigation into the cause of the fire revealed poor work practices by a Contractor on a recent installation project. The consequences could have been catastrophic, but fortunately the damage was contained within the switchboard. Even so, the costs incurred by the Museum in 24 hours of downtime were significant, however JNJ’s quick and effective response was commended by the Museum and minimised MV’s losses from the event.

Department of Defence
Department of Defence
Capital Works
JNJ won a contract to replace almost 60 switchboards within 30 Defence Bases across Victoria & Tasmania. Running parallel with this contract, JNJ successfully delivered another package of work across the same Bases & Depots to replace more than 7,500 Circuit Breakers with RCD’s (Safety Switches).
The logistical challenges surrounding the work included liaising with Building Managers and site personnel at each base, scheduling works to minimise disruption, arranging site access and security passes for each location, providing temporary generator supplies, isolating fire panels, identifying and safely removing equipment containing asbestos and ensuring that non-compliant situations were brought up to the relevant standards.
Numerous instances of non-compliant wiring were uncovered and investigated, with JNJ undertaking significant fault-finding and re-cabling works so that the newly installed RCD’s would function correctly. Comprehensive progress reports, electronic HOTO information and post-installation commissioning & documentation phases for each site were also significant project milestones that JNJ successfully and consistently delivered to the client’s complete satisfaction.

Historic Newport Railway Sheds
Historic Newport Railway Sheds
Reactive & Emergency
JNJ Electrics attended Newport Railway Heritage Workshops following an Arson attack that had gutted West Block Sheds 2 & 3 and badly damaged Shed 4. Fire Services had isolated power to the historic railway preservation precinct including the 11 historic Rail Sheds, Steamrail’s offices, the Administration Building and the Fire Museum’s workshop.
JNJ quickly assessed the situation, restoring power to eight of the sheds and providing generator supplies to other undamaged areas together with temporary power to the construction zones to enable demolition and asbestos removal works to get under way.
Once clearance to enter the burnt-out areas was issued, the JNJ team set about demolishing the existing electrical services & installing temporary hi-bay lighting and roller door supplies so that there-construction phase of the works could begin.
JNJ was also tasked with designing the electrical work for the reconstructed Heritage listed buildings. JNJ’s proposal included energy efficient LED Hi-bay lighting, emergency lighting and power distribution systems. The design complied with Australian standards, met Steamrail’s operational requirements and was visually sympathetic to the fabric of the historic sheds. Victrack approved JNJ’s design and re-construction works were completed on time and within budget.
Victrack & Steamrail representatives expressed their appreciation for JNJ’s pro-active approach, attention to detail and adaptability to meet the evolving requirements of the project, from the initial fault attendance through to the demolition, design, and installation phases of this important restoration work.